The Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative ensures that the insight and experiential wisdom of people with a lived experience of suicide is central in the development and implementation of collective suicide prevention activities across the region. The lived experience voice is very much woven into the fabric of how and who the Collaborative is.
In July, the Collaborative will be offering a capacity building opportunity for people with a lived experience of suicide.
The Roses in the Ocean VOICES OF IN-SIGHT workshop offers a unique opportunity to reflect on your lived experience and learn how to share your personal story for greatest impact and influence and become a member of the ‘Voices of In-Sight’ Speakers Hub. This is a deep dive into your lived experience which leads to meaningful, impactful conversations and presentations.
All Roses in the Ocean capacity-building workshops are lived experience informed, designed and delivered by professional facilitators who also have a personal lived experience of suicide.
The Voices of In-Sight speakers program is a highly reflective, facilitated process where you are afforded the gift of time… time to reflect and explore your own story, time to connect with others who have walked in similar shoes, time to hear different perspectives of suicide, and time to develop a structured, well messaged story that will have a positive impact on whoever has the privilege of hearing it.
At the Collaborative, lived experience members receive ongoing guidance from our Lived Experience Coordinator, Mark Ellis, in using their unique insight in the work of the Collaborative. If you would like to learn more about the training, please visit the website
This training opportunity is available free to participants thanks to a grant under the headspace NSW Community Collaboratives Grants Program.
The NSW Community Collaboratives Grants Program is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health as a Towards Zero Suicides Initiative which is being led by headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation in partnership with Lifeline Australia.
The Illawarra Shoalhaven Suicide Prevention Collaborative thanks them for their support of this activity.