Find support during the bushfires

Bushfires affect people in the community differently, depending on the stress or loss you or your loved ones have experienced.

Luckily, there are things you can do to take care of yourself and your emotional wellbeing, or that of someone you care about.

Individuals may experience many different emotional and physical reactions following an extraordinary event. Some common reactions can include feeling overwhelmed, tearfulness, sleep problems and a lack of concentration or difficulty focusing. In most cases these reactions will fade over the following weeks.

However, if at any time these reactions are seriously affecting daily activities, or last for more than four weeks, it's important for you or someone you care about to speak to a doctor about the support options available. You can also find some options below.

Local support services
  • Grand Pacific Health (GPH): call the intake line on 1800 228 987 to find out about free mental health support for people impacted by bushfires.
  • headspace: a free service for 12-25 year olds
    • Nowra – (02) 4421 5388
    • Wollongong – (02) 4220 7660

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) has developed some handy resources to help you take care of yourself and others.

Support lines